Prisons and Human Rights

Department of Prisons is a Department administered the policy planning of SL Prisons and Rehabilitation Centres and has three Main Sections:

  1. Human Rights Section
  2. Parole and Probation Section
  3. Prisons and Rehabilitation Section

The following are the functions of the Department of Prisons and Human Rights: –

  • Promote and protect human rights, including the rights of persons under any form of detention in Somaliland
  • Establish and monitor the mechanisms of prisons and inmates
  • Monitor and implement parole and probation systems
  • Organize skills and training programmers for prisons and human rights
  • Coordination of regional prisons management
  • Protection of human rights and international conventions in place
  • Oversee the prisons and correction centers in Somaliland to ensure that convicted people get their rights while in prisons or correction centers
  • Study and develop capacity building needs of custodian corps in the area human rights and protection of the detainees
  • Research and study of the attitudinal change interventions required by the prison in mates during their detention and come up suitable comprehensive set of interventions
  • Ensure that the convicted people get the behavioral changes and skills required to ensure that good behavior persons can contribute to the communities when finished with their sentences
  • Providing formal and informal education for the Prison Inmates giving special attention to the Juveniles and Female inmates.
  • Ensuring the accessibility on legal services and legal education in Prisons both correctional officers and Prison inmates.
  • Supervision and mentoring of the jail officers on how to deal with the prison inmates
  • Coordinate the formulation of the policies, framework and programmes to support the inmates’ human rights, rehabilitation and prisons, parole and probation in Somaliland
  • Preparation and implementation of the five (5) year strategic plan and budget for the department.
  • Preparation and implementation of a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system and tools for the Department
  • Preparation and implementation of the capacity development for all staff based on the needs assessment and in-line with the Civil Service Commission (CSC) guidelines and requirements.
  • Preparation of the annual financial estimates in consultation with the heads of sections
  • Coordinating the formulation of the department’s risk management framework, risk profiling, risk reporting and monitoring.